**For the Love of An Italian Gypsy**

*** Many of you never knew I was in the process of writing my own book. It wasn’t writer’s block that would get to me. It was reliving the painful memories of the experience. My life is very different now. It’s normal and extremely happy. When I was a young girl, I met many individuals in Italy that changed my views on the world. Every now and again, those feelings reappear and I remember the rush and adventures that we would embark on together. You never know where life will lead you! Cherish each and every moment. Remember to love and live to the fullest. I hope this book and my continuous entries spark an interest and awakens your souls. I dedicate this unfinished novel to my childhood and my teenage summers abroad. This is love!** For my family and friends all over the world. "La Mia Anima, Le Mie Parole (My Soul, My Words)" I have had many struggles writing this book. I pick up the pen and freeze, chills take over my body. I break out in cold sweats. Sometimes, it is f...