*Constancy, Montessori Method, Intelligence, Breast Milk Donations, Costco, Childhood Memories, & True love!

CONSTANCY: the ability to always do things without changing projects or routines. When you have children, this revolves around them. There is no constancy involved in your own life unless your children are older. Therefore, I am sorry I haven’t written in a few days. I have had many distractions; a clingy baby and toddler. I swear I attempt to distribute equal amounts of attention to both of my children, but it’s almost impossible. When you’re breastfeeding, your baby needs your constant attention. I have a feeling that I will be using that word a lot in this post. I am trying to get my toddler involved in as many things as possible to have her somewhat distracted. I feel terrible for not holding her when she wants me to. Before Giovanni, it was always about her. She is adjusting very well. School helps her so much. I love Giulietta’s school. I can’t help, but rave on about it. She attends a Montessori school. I would recommend this type of school for anyone that wants their child to become independent. Unlike other schools, her school uses the “Montessori Method.” The Montessori method is a child centered it focuses on seeing children as they really are and creates environments that fulfill their highest potentials; spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Dr. Maria Montessori brought forth a scientific method that is unlike other classroom environments. She focused on teachings of the whole personality rather than a specific body of knowledge. Children learn in a natural, mixed age group, which is very similar to the one they will live in as adults. In other words. Montessori believed that children should be free to learn from their environments and without restrictions or criticism. It uses a methodical method and each step in the process leads to the next level of learning. These children learn by doing, which develop their observation skills. Young children use their five senses, kinetic movement, spatial refinement, motor skills coordination, and concrete knowledge that leads to later abstraction. Once in a Montessori grade school, children use the abstraction in thinking, writing, mathematics, science, and to absorb their cultural environment, which includes their interactions in the world. In a Montessori setting, every child is a scientist who has their own program of learning. 
Maria Montessori is extremely special to us because she is from Chiaravalle, Italy. It’s a city in the province of Ancona very close to where my father comes from. Although she was born in 1807, Montessori and her methods were ahead of her time. There are Montessori schools all over the world. Her contributions to the educational system were remarkable. I love that Giulietta goes to school and learns from the objects around her. I love that she is able to choose which activity she prefers. I love that she is not taught about a specific lesson and that she is able to independently choose what she prefers. I definitely see positive improvement in my child. She doesn’t need us to do things for her. If she’s thirsty, she will go to the fridge and pick her drink. If she is hungry, she will pick what she wants to eat (within reason). I encourage parents that can afford to pay for private school to send their children to a Montessori school. I wish they had Montessori schools that went above kindergarten in our area, but unfortunately the closest grade school is in Miami. Giulietta’s letter of the week for show and tell is “T.” She will be bringing in her telephone tomorrow.
Credits to: Montessori.edu
## Again, I am sorry for not being constant. I love writing because it motivates me to think and discuss what I am pondering about in my own words. It forces me to use my intelligence on paper. Writing is extremely motivational. It helps me escape from reality and forces me to explore my own passions. Don’t put your dreams on a standstill. Please never give up on something you love doing. I enjoy writing and sharing my experiences with the world. It will always be a part of me.

  • ## Any who, lets talk about my week. Monday night at work was slow. I was on the poker floor and as a waitress, that is where we make our money. Many things have changed in the six years that I have worked in my company. There are good changes and there are bad ones. I thoroughly enjoy the customer service industry. I have had bad experiences and good experiences. I have laughed, cried, and I have been angry. Every situation has taught me a lesson. Right now, our company is going through some major obstacles. We have lost some very promising individuals and have gained some. Our clientele is definitely not the same as it was six years ago. Many of our regular customers have lost a lot of money and are unable to give us the same appreciation as they once did. When these situations happen, it’s very disheartening. We always say that we lost the good ones. The only thing that we can do, is make he best of our current situation. Let me stress that being a waitress in any environment is not easy. Many look at us and think we have an easy job, especially my husband. Many don’t realize what we sacrifice to make it to work. We work To Insure Proper Service. Notice that what I wrote contains all caps highlighting specific importance. What many don’t realize, including my husband at times is that as a waitress, I sacrifice my body (my joints, my muscles, etc.), my time with my children, and etc. I am not there for bedtime, for baby feedings, for bath time, for sleep time, for school meetings, and so on. Sure, having children was our choice and people have their opinions. I work so that my children have nice things, so that my daughter can go to the Montessori school and receive the best education possible. Many people don’t look at servers as people. For whatever reason, they think that we are stupid. I can assure you that we aren’t. Most of us have our Bachelor’s, Master’s, and some even have Doctorate’s degrees. If you are one of those people that assume that we are doormats, I assure you that we are not. I find it humorous when customers attempt to educate me on values of the world assuming that I am as “dumb as a door knob.” When I reply that I am indeed intelligent and have gone to prestigious schools, they’re dumbfounded. I can assure you that it’s not only customers that assume these things about us. Some coworkers also think this way, even fellow waitresses. There are many that assume that I have no common sense because I don’t always respond when they do me wrong. I take everything in and wait to see how many times that they will screw me over. When I have had enough, I dish it all out on them including the times they thought I wasn’t paying attention. I leave them jaw dropped. It’s a lot of fun.
  • ## Monday is always fairly easy for Giulietta. She wakes up and we get her ready for school. Since we have only one vehicle right now, taking her to school is a family affair. She thoroughly enjoys when mommy helps get her ready, so when Wednesday comes along and I am a zombie from 4 hours of sleep, you can imagine how “easy” it is to get her ready. I love every moment I spend getting her ready because I miss night time. Unfortunately, my husband isn’t always happy because he misses days of working on his business. This will be our life until Giulietta goes to school all day. I think come January she will start all day.
  • Pumping at work has started to be a part of my routine. Giovanni drinks 2-3 oz every two hours when I am at work. He will spit up if Joey doesn’t burp him, so I know that he is getting enough. Some people don’t think that that is a lot for a breastfed Infant, but I will continue to stress the importance of pace feeding. It’s so much easier on a baby’s belly. They have less gas and fussiness if it’s done correctly. My Giulietta did not like the bottle at all while I was at work and I think it’s because we never tried giving her the milk straight from the fridge. We always warmed it up. I discovered that Giovanni does not enjoy his milk warmed up. He wants it at the temperature it is. We let it sit out for 15 minutes or so and then give it to him if it’s freshly pumped milk. If it’s frozen we let it defrost in the fridge and then give him the bottle. He loved the latch bottle from me, but the only bottle he seems to take from his dad is the MAM, so I will be ordering more for daddy to use.
  • So, daddy and I feel that Giulietta may be feeling a bit neglected since baby brother was born, so we decided to get her more involved in activities as previously mentioned. I ordered the elf on the shelf and he will be arriving December 1st. I am so excited because it’s the perfect day for him to start his little spectacles. I downloaded a bunch of little ideas on Pinterest and I feel that Giulietta will have a blast with him!
  • Over the weekend, I donated approximately 97 1/2 oz of frozen breastmilk to a momma in need. She was so very grateful. I was so happy to help because I was a bit discouraged since I didn’t receive instant replies on my posts on Human milk 4 human babies and eats on feats. My deep freezer arrived yesterday and I cannot wait to put breastmilk in there. It will be good for a year in the deep freezer. I got it at a decent price because of Black Friday deals. I didn’t realize how huge it was!
  • On Monday, I became a Costco member again. We are so excited because it’s been over a year since we were members. I vividly remember going to Costco as a child with my mom. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life because I bonded with my mom. She used to buy a bunch of things and pack us in the car after. I loved it! I always got a book too! Reading was always everything to me. I want to make it the same experience for my children. Costco has the greatest selection of holiday items and the best prices. I cannot wait to start shopping there again. Conveniently, it’s up the street from my home.
  • Nonna pulled out her weight watchers book on Monday from when I used to attend meetings with her. She couldn’t write in English, so I would jot notes for her. I loved going for the instant coffee and hot chocolate they had. Anyways, there was a message from me as a child on Nonna’s book. I was in second grade and just learned cursive. It said I love you so so much. Times spent at Nonna’s were always the best. I was spoiled! She let me watch whatever shows I wanted, I played with barbies and toys all day, she made me whatever food I liked. We had an amazing time together! Her relationship with my grandfather was one of a kind. You don’t see that anymore. They fought like cars and dogs, but were each others everything. He dyed her hair and he cherished his family. He was a faithful man. He made us all laugh and he had an intense passion for singing. I went to every single event with them and I loved going over their friends and families houses. There was always so much italian food and great laughs. I cherish these memories in my heart. Today is Nonna’s birthday. We can’t wait to see her in a few weeks!

  • I forgot to mention that Giovanni turned 3 months old on Tuesday! I can't believe how fast time is flying! i am so proud that he has only had momma's milk up until now. I have earned my bronze metal! I am so proud of these accomplishments.

  • I am literally allowing my daughter to explore her environment and she has shredded cardboard and all ready spilt water everywhere! Stay tuned to my next post mamma's! So happy to rant on!!!
  • Oh and my precious, supportive, and awesome husband and me have been together for 11 years as a couple November 26th, 2017! A picture of when we first met.

  •  I love him so much!


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