"Immunizations, Poop, & Future Goals"

If you have ever fed a baby breast milk, then you know about the poop explosions. Giovanni has been backed up since he got his 2 month shots Monday. He had the first dose of the oral rotavirus and the DTAP. I am super pro shots, but I prefer to do one shot at a time. The nurses look at me and think I’m a bitch mom for doing it that way, but it’s my child and my decision. Giulietta received a vaccine every two weeks and NEVER had an adverse reaction or a fever. One reason is because I am a working mom. I cannot afford to stay home from work if my child has a fever. Another reason is because I have had one friend who’s son had an adverse reaction to a vaccine and developed permanent brain damage. He also gets seizures every so often. It’s the most horrendous thing to watch. Another acquaintance had a child who developed an adverse reaction to the combination of 4 month shots. That child became extremely ill and suffered various seizures. Eventually, that child was placed on a feeding tube and spent most of their life in the hospital, where she eventually passed away at 2 years old. It’s terrifying and heartbreaking. Every parent has their own views on vaccines and I respect every one of them. However, I feel the urge to share my insights. You can judge me, bash me, and hate me, but at the end of the day, these are my children. There is only so much that a child’s brain can manage, especially a newborn. Giulietta is perfectly healthy and had all of her vaccines one at a time. Of course, if I research the vaccines and side effects and see that there is no harm in putting a certain 2 together, I will do it. The main reason, I am also cautious from vaccines is because of my own side effects from the MMR vaccine at a few months old. I developed a urinary tract infection and spent two weeks in the hospital. I suffered a fever for a month after I received the vaccine. Doctors were unable to control my fever or link it to any cause. At one point, it spiked to 104 and my mom rushed me to the hospital. I spent a week in there until there was a final diagnosis. I almost died. It was considered a mild side effect if properly treated. Ever since then, my mom was so terrified of immunizations that she did one at a time. Honestly, times have changed and the MMR vaccine isn’t administered to children until they’re at least a year old. The next dose is split and the child received it at 4 years old. Doesn’t it make you wonder why? The side effects are terrifying. As soon as my daughter received that one immunization that has ruined the lives of many children, I monitored her like a caring vulture. If there were any signs of adverse reactions of fever, I was going to rush her to the emergency room. She had no side effects and my heart was overjoyed. ** Giovanni woke up super cranky today. He still hasn’t pooped like he usually does. Daddy took him over for a few minutes, so I could enjoy a cup of coffee. Daddy needs to acquaint himself with Giovanni because he will have him at night while I work. It will be a very interesting experience for all of them. Especially since Joey, my husband, will have to deal with Giulietta’s “threenage tantrums.” Eventually, I put Giovanni in the wrap to calm him down. Baby-wearing for the win. I will definitely have to teach Joey how to wear him. It will be so much easier for him to get things done around the house while I am gone. I act like working is going to be the end of the world. Honestly, it will be the end of the world for me. At least for a little bit. I am going to miss my children so much! These past few months have been amazing. I have not missed working at all. Of course, I have missed the tips, but I haven’t missed the job. I always dreamt of becoming a writer. I have dreamt of being many things. I still haven’t given up on any of my dreams. Eventually, I will pursue everything I have set forth to. I am certified to teach English as a foreign language. I did excellent in that course, but unfortunately, I have been unable to initiate a career in South Florida. All of the opportunities involve travel. I would like to teach children. Since I have my Bachelor’s Degree, I would only need to take the courses relevant to the teaching experiences that I am interested in. Obviously, all of these goals involve dedication and money. You won’t exactly earn a million dollars a year, but the benefits and time off are ideal because they will coincide with my children’s schedules. Ultimately, I have decided to wait and save some money before I initiate the necessary exams to pursue the careers. First of all, my children are still so little and I am still breastfeeding. I want to dedicate all I can to my future and I would appreciate it more if I can focus all of my attention on my studies. I have been the “A” student since my junior year of high school. I would love to continue that way, but I have to wait until Giovanni is a little older. **While other moms are pumping bottles for public events, I am just naturally feeding my child with no SHAME. Love your body and appreciate your boobies. After all, you only get one chance to bond. Today, we have a birthday party planned and some time to hang out with my mom later. So I close this post with a statement , “Do not let anything hold you back! Anything is possible if you give it your all. Never ever give up! Obstacles are temporary setbacks, that should never negatively affect your future. Give it your all.”


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