*Pre-School, Work, Walking, LLI, Breast Milk Donations, & SNS*
No cries, screams, or battles this morning as we prepped for school. Giulietta jumped right out of bed. She has been going to sleep earlier and earlier. This is the only reason why we appreciate the fall time change. Giovanni and me were up at 6 am staring at the fishies on the ceiling from his projector. I swear that thing is a life saver. I have had it since 2014 and barely ever used it with Giulietta. She enjoys it as well. She helps pick a new projection every night. We drove to her school and daddy made me go in today. Her feathers stuck out the most on the turkey. I will have to take a picture next time. Her teachers were eager to tell me what a great helper and how eager she is to help all the time. I wish she was like that at home! Honestly, she is incredible with her baby brother, but she refuses to help me do things around the house unless it benefits her. It made me proud to hear what a good girl she was at school. Giovanni stayed asleep, I fed him before we left the house. I went to the appointment I had at work and was given a key to the new lactation room. Apparently, I am the only one that has a key right now. It’s really nice. It’s in the employee dining room, which makes it extremely convenient to pump every two to three hours. I even got a free 11.5 pound turkey and was not expecting that, which was real nice. I return to work on Friday afternoon, so it’s going to be extremely interesting for my hubby. I work Friday’s from 4-11 p.m. Monday’s & Tuesday’s from 7 p.m.-3 a.m., and Wednesday’s and Thursday’s from 6 p.m.-1 a.m. The late night shifts are killers, but I have no other choice. Honestly, I love my co-workers and my job. The benefits are incredible and I am grateful that it provides insurance to all of my family. If I could, I would stay home with my children, but I simply cannot afford to. Also, I like to have my own paycheck. Obviously, I don’t want to be a waitress forever, but for now I need to suck it up and do it. Every day that I want to give up, I think of my children.
** Giulietta had turkey for lunch at school, which was great. We did not have to prep her lunch. She made a Christmas ornament in class. The best part of it all, Giovanni behaved all morning during our busy day. He only woke up to eat and he was even good in his car seat!
We went for a little walk around the block and Giovanni fell asleep in the baby wrap, “big surprise.” I am slightly exhausted. I think it’s because I woke up so early! Giulietta has been requesting a bottle lately because she watches Giovanni on the boob. Tomorrow I have a La Leche League meeting at 10:00 a.m. I am so very pleased! They hold meetings in Broward and Palm Beach County at 10:00 a.m. the third Thursday and first Wednesday of every month at 8:00 p.m. I attend the Boca meetings because they’re closer to my home. The ladies that I have met thus far are amazing and inspirational. I actually would love to become a leader in the future. Anyone from new, pregnant, breastfeeding, or moms that have breastfed in the past are welcome to attend meetings. They are educated on breastfeeding in every aspect. It’s $25.00 to become a member. You don’t have to be a member to attend a meeting, but it helps if you want to become a future leader. Their main resource of information comes from the awesome new book I’m reading, “THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING.” It’s vital to know that anyone can breast feed. One of the women in my class breast fed two of her adopted children. She induced her milk to come in with an SNS (Supplemental Nursing System). The way a SNS works is that it attaches to a pouch of donated breast milk or formula. The system helps the baby learn to latch and the body usually induces milk production. Anyone can try this and it should work. The only way that this may not work is if the woman had a previous battle with cancer and the medication that she was taking affected the glands around the breast. If you are having difficulties breastfeeding and have had cancer in the past, I suggest speaking with your oncologist to see if the medications administered were severe enough to defer you from breastfeeding. If you're interested in giving your baby breast milk, there are many ways that this can happen. You can can contact Eats on Feats or Human Milk 4 Human Babies through FaceBook in your area. Mommies on there donate their milk for free. You can also be a formula feeder that is interested in re-lactating. There are plenty of ways that this can be done. Contact your local La Leche League group. You can find their information on: http://www.llli.org just click find a leader. Have a blessed day everyone!

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