*Constancy, Montessori Method, Intelligence, Breast Milk Donations, Costco, Childhood Memories, & True love!

CONSTANCY: the ability to always do things without changing projects or routines. When you have children, this revolves around them. There is no constancy involved in your own life unless your children are older. Therefore, I am sorry I haven’t written in a few days. I have had many distractions; a clingy baby and toddler. I swear I attempt to distribute equal amounts of attention to both of my children, but it’s almost impossible. When you’re breastfeeding, your baby needs your constant attention. I have a feeling that I will be using that word a lot in this post. I am trying to get my toddler involved in as many things as possible to have her somewhat distracted. I feel terrible for not holding her when she wants me to. Before Giovanni, it was always about her. She is adjusting very well. School helps her so much. I love Giulietta’s school. I can’t help, but rave on about it. She attends a Montessori school. I would recommend this type of school for anyone that wants their child to ...