
Showing posts from November, 2017

*Constancy, Montessori Method, Intelligence, Breast Milk Donations, Costco, Childhood Memories, & True love!

CONSTANCY: the ability to always do things without changing projects or routines. When you have children, this revolves around them. There is no constancy involved in your own life unless your children are older. Therefore, I am sorry I haven’t written in a few days. I have had many distractions; a clingy baby and toddler. I swear I attempt to distribute equal amounts of attention to both of my children, but it’s almost impossible. When you’re breastfeeding, your baby needs your constant attention. I have a feeling that I will be using that word a lot in this post. I am trying to get my toddler involved in as many things as possible to have her somewhat distracted. I feel terrible for not holding her when she wants me to. Before Giovanni, it was always about her. She is adjusting very well. School helps her so much. I love Giulietta’s school. I can’t help, but rave on about it. She attends a Montessori school. I would recommend this type of school for anyone that wants their child to ...

Toddler Life, Work Life, Pumping Life, & How do I know if I am producing enough?*

Giulietta was not feeling well Monday morning. She is still all stuffy from something she picked up at school. Her school has a “strict” no sick kids policy, which I love, but sometimes kids slip through. Giulietta did not want to miss playing with her friends on the playground, so we gave her some Zarbees dark honey cough syrup and put some baby rub on her chest. She was good to go and was able to enjoy her day at school. When she came home, we finished organizing her room. Maybe I can eventually convince her to sleep in the bed. I am going to try and buy some princess sheets and other items to make her room feel more like “hers.” Giovanni got his hib vaccine yesterday, which went pretty well. We met a group on triplets who were born in vitro. They were so cute! So, after rearranging Giulietta’s room, I explored princess sheet ideas with her. She told me that I would have to sleep with her. I started laughing because she is so smart! My first “real” night at work went well. The 8 hour...

*Thanksgiving, Work, Boobie Awards, & Christmas*

At 7:00 a.m., my alarm clock went off and it was time to hop in the shower. My day initiated very well. Giulietta woke up at 7:30 a.m. and jumped up to get ready for school. I dressed her up in her sweet, sassy, and southern outfit. She looked super fashionable. It was show and tell day at school, so she had a convertible car for the letter of the week, “c.” She as great at show and tell. She came home with beautiful hand prints that she created for thanksgiving. Giovanni missed Mommy so much at work.. Joey tried every bottle known to man that we have in the house, but he fought with Daddy and drank slowly. He took two ounces after kicking and screaming with his father and then another ounce an hour later. It was nice to see old customers at my job. They were very generous. It was a little weird to pump so often. Honestly, it felt as if I never stopped. One of my co-workers told me that I don’t need to pump after 6 months. If you educate yourself on breastfeeding, you need to pump for...

*Feelings, La Leche League Meeting, & Threenager Moments*

So, we’re up  at 6 a.m.  again. I am feeling a bit sad that I have to return to work tomorrow. My husband said that it was more like a “tease.” I work tomorrow and then have the weekend off. My days are super busy with 2 kids. I know I have to work Thanksgiving, but it’s one of my favorite holidays. I thoroughly enjoy all of the food. Usually, if I am working the poker floor, I get to go home early. If I did my calculations right, I will be upstairs in poker. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I am falling apart about going back to work. I did it with Giulietta, but this time, I did not miss my job at all. It was definitely great to be with my children. I soaked up every single moment.  At 9:20 a.m. Giovanni and I headed to a La Leche League meeting. It’s wonderful to meet other breastfeeding mothers and listen to their stories. One woman had a 7 month old and experienced many of the same struggles I did with Giulietta. I had bleeding and cracked nipples, sore...

*Pre-School, Work, Walking, LLI, Breast Milk Donations, & SNS*

No cries, screams, or battles this morning as we prepped for school. Giulietta jumped right out of bed. She has been going to sleep earlier and earlier. This is the only reason why we appreciate the fall time change. Giovanni and me were up at 6 am staring at the fishies on the ceiling from his projector. I swear that thing is a life saver. I have had it since 2014 and barely ever used it with Giulietta. She enjoys it as well. She helps pick a new projection every night. We drove to her school and daddy made me go in today. Her feathers stuck out the most on the turkey. I will have to take a picture next time. Her teachers were eager to tell me what a great helper and how eager she is to help all the time. I wish she was like that at home! Honestly, she is incredible with her baby brother, but she refuses to help me do things around the house unless it benefits her. It made me proud to hear what a good girl she was at school. Giovanni stayed asleep, I fed him before we left the house. ...

*Dress-up, Sesame Street, Chores, Bath-Time, Pumping, & Pace-feeding*

So, Giulietta seems to think that her new wardrobe is dress up clothes. I am going to have to sneak them out of the way and wash them. Maybe when she falls asleep. If that ever happens (Fingers Crossed). Giovanni woke up smiling and cooing today. I guess the tantrum was short lived. I dislike having Giulietta watch t.v. all day. I guess I am a bad example because there are days I binge watch episodes of my favorite shows. Some of my favorite are JANE THE VIRGIN, EAST LOS HIGH, DEVIOUS MAIDS, FINDING CARTER, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, etc. Giulietta is super cranky today. She has already thrown things at me, woken up her brother from his nap, and screamed at the top of her lungs. These are all attention getting mechanisms. I try very hard to give equal attention to both of my children. When Giovanni is resting, I give all of my attention to Giulietta. My goal is that she uses her creativity wisely. I love watching her mind work. Today she lined up all of her barbies and baby dolls. She covere...

*Bedtime Battles, Car Seats, School Pictures, Wish, Amazon Prime*

So, if you know anything about my life, you know about Giulietta’s battles with bedtime. I always see those parents that have it so easy to get their kids in bed by 7 pm. I wish it was that practical for us. The main problem for us is my insane work schedule. She will accommodate her hours of sleep to mine, which was not an issue when she wasn’t in school. We do our very best to ensure that she is in bed by at least 10 p.m. Since we started doing that, she is usually getting sleepy around that time. I have been on maternity leave for the past 2 1/2 months, so it hasn’t been a battle. I was able to accompany her to sleep, which made it all ideal. Friday, I go back to work, so this will be the last week of our average routine. It is going to be a nightmare for her father to have her asleep. The only reason I know this is because she isn’t comfortable going to bed without both of us in the house. The struggle is our reality. She will fight until the last minute. She even talks to avoid sl...

"Immunizations, Poop, & Future Goals"

If you have ever fed a baby breast milk, then you know about the poop explosions. Giovanni has been backed up since he got his 2 month shots Monday. He had the first dose of the oral rotavirus and the DTAP. I am super pro shots, but I prefer to do one shot at a time. The nurses look at me and think I’m a bitch mom for doing it that way, but it’s my child and my decision. Giulietta received a vaccine every two weeks and NEVER had an adverse reaction or a fever. One reason is because I am a working mom. I cannot afford to stay home from work if my child has a fever. Another reason is because I have had one friend who’s son had an adverse reaction to a vaccine and developed permanent brain damage. He also gets seizures every so often. It’s the most horrendous thing to watch. Another acquaintance had a child who developed an adverse reaction to the combination of 4 month shots. That child became extremely ill and suffered various seizures. Eventually, that child was placed on a feeding tub...

Co-Sleeping, Hygiene, The Wrap

My mornings with Giovanni usually start off pretty peaceful. Overall, he is a happy baby. He barely ever gets fussy and when he does it's usually related to my oversupply problem. Whoever said that breastfed babies do not have to burp, LIED! If Giovanni doesn't burp, he may very well spit up or projectile vomit all over me. We are co-sleeping, which makes my life soo much easier! It is not recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics because the risk of SIDS may increase. Honestly, SIDS can happen at any time. If you are anything like me, you are an extremely light sleeper with obsessive compulsive disorder. If my son is not lying in the middle of my arm, I cannot sleep through the night. I have terrible dreams and am constantly waking up to check if he is breathing. I did the same thing with my daughter. What can I say? I am paranoid. He has a beautiful wooden bassinet and crib in the other room that I have never used. When I return to work next friday, he will most likel...